(Thursday's post) Ok firstly, I didn't realize it was April Fool today. I was blur. I walked to school like normal. On the way, I almost slipped and fell. But luckily, I didn't. The act of 'falling down' is embarrassing. In the early blindness, I was fooled by 3 person. Unbelievable!! Okay, never mined. Today, everyone was a bit glad. We all had received a loaf of High-5 bread for free! Haha, whatever! Anyway, my friends and I are planning Fathiyah's birthday. I came out with an idea which I think is excellent. Everyone agreed with it. It is sort of a ''tea-party'' cause it's done in the evening. Some light food and gassy drinks. Perfect. But, Fathiyah kept saying ''no...no.. you don need to this, cancel laa''. Oh my! She said that for over 50 times! I'm so annoyed! I wanted to stand up and shout at her ''Fathiyah! SHut up!!!! Just let me do the work!! You just have to be there okay''. Since today was april fool, my friends thought I was joking on planning a tea-party at Pizza Hut. Guys, I'm serious! Anyway, her parents will definitely allow her to party with us. It's her birthday! It all depends whether she wants to come or not. Besides, we're not shopping or hanging around at the mall, it's just a gathering which only takes about 2 hours. When my birthday came, I didn't get a chance to celebrate or hang out somewhere cause exam is 3 days after. So, obviously no one would care to come or whatsoever. I understand. Now, since exam is 1 month away. Why waste this chance? Hey, imagine how much fun we can have with Fathiyah around. I'm a little afraid that she would blow the customers away with her laughter. LOL. Anyway, I'm planning this is just to appreciate our class treasurer. Fathiyah has been facing difficulties in approaching the boys. She's quite shy. Blame me and Umaira and the rest of my classmates that have nominated Fathiyah as the class treasurer! Haha, she is the chosen one. Lol. Let us move on to the next topic. My classmate, K, has problems with Faths, well, sometimes, erm, most of the time. He is kind of sensitive to Fathiyah's laughter. He can't hear her laugh too loud, or else, K will automatically say the word ''Diam la''. People, people, people, I heard him said that for over 100 times. Trust me. K is like an automatic machine that functions whenever K hears Fathiyah's laugh. zzz. Today, at the end of school. K was looking at the notice board. Fathiyah and I also went to see whether we had badminton practices. Then, Fathiyah let out a loud laugh as soon as I said K's magic word. K then turn around and said ''gelak lagi ke?? Diam la....'' I was like ''wtf, suka hati la, udah tamat sesi persekolahan, &, bknnye dekat kelas pun''. And went on laughing. Who cares? Laughing is the cheapest medicine . Huahahaa!


  1. Laughing is the cheapest and best medicine ever!
    And yesh, Faths is unique. She's nice and friendly and smart. I don't care what people say. I just loooooove her laugh so much. And I love her so much too :) I hope you guys had fun at her tea-party :)


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