Why can't everyone be like me?

It's been long since I last wrote something here. This time I feel like I had to, tell the world, how important, how wise it is to be someone like me.

First of all, let me say how proud I am to be emotionally stable. *Wait, I have no intention of being an arrogant, stuck up bitch here, no, this comes from the heart*

No offence but I think everyone should be like me, and I meant being me is being insensitive (open), care-less (cannot be bothered), positive and believe that everything happens for a reason, BE IT GOOD OR BAD, ACCEPT IT ANYWAY. It's the little things like this in life that make a BIG difference.

And that's how I save myself so much from all the trouble you can think of, all the problems that YOU can cause from a TINY BIT OF MISTAKE, and the long lecture.

like really, if everyone can be like me, no one will ever get hurt, because
if you are like me, you won't let this negative feelings bring you down and ruin your happiness.

But wait, you are NOT me and you can't be me. I'm not perfect. No one is. All I'm saying, can't you see the benefit of being like me? It's worth a try. My way of living is the 4 stated above. Further elaboration will be:
  1. Open yourself to criticism 
  2. Don't give a shit about what everyone has to say. Do what you think is right.
  3. See the good in everything, and I mean everything
  4. God interferes with all your works and plans
And hey, you will never ever worry about the feelings of others.. Unless they are really WORTH worrying about. (There is an exception) I'm saying those who are WORTH. Worth your time, your breath, your energy, your life.

Seriously people, why go through all that shit when you can just be a robot, LEAVE OUT ALL THE NEGATIVE FEELINGS AND ONLY HAVE ROOM FOR HAPPINESS AND POSITIVITY. (Better version robot)

To be 20 years old, I can say I'm wiser than all the past years. Right? You all have to agree with me on this. Nobody gets less smart as they grow older.

The older we become, the wiser we are. And being 20, we are mature enough to be an adult. We solve problems like an adult..We are wise enough to think what is good and what should be left behind. We act REASONABLY and we do what's NECESSARY. 

Come on people, for all the years you've been with whoever it is, look at how far you've come. The years spent building a friendship or any relationship... Do you really want to see it fall apart, just because of one small thing that can be overlooked and avoided? What is it that you rather want?

You are way better than teens these days. Aren't you proud and happy that finally people take you seriously , look at you and give you some respect as an adult and not treat you like a teen anymore. It's time, that things change for a bit. You know you are smart, and smart people don't fret unnecessarily. They settle problems quick, once and for all. They forgive, then ignore. Smart people don't have time to make a big deal out of a small situation. Cause they know, a bridge that is build over years is worth more than a small issue.

Remember, it takes one small misunderstanding to tear everything down. You don't want that to happen. If you are a person that wants to pick a fight, create problems that wasn't even there and start pointing fingers at anyone possible, then you aren't a good person/friend and for that, there's no reason why anyone wants to stay by your side. If you can't change yourself for the better, no one could. People might try to fix you, which you might not like, but if you are wise to know that it's good for you, YOU WILL COOPERATE AND CHANGE TO BE GOOD AND NO EXCUSES. And to be honest, these people are good enough to step in and HELP YOU. It's not a good idea to think that they just want to get a piece of your life. Please! They have better things to do! So if they are patient with you, you better just be grateful. Stop the complains.

It's better to keep all the good people that you knew than to lose all and start over new. It's not easy, finding jewels. You can find stones practically everywhere, pick em up and throw it no matter how far, you'll find it  anyway, cause it's everywhere. It's so common, so ordinary, people won't even give a glance! They walk pass it everyday and never notice. But jewels, once you throw them, anywhere it may be, someone else will pick it up, and appreciate it, and keep it for sure, cause jewels, they shine, they sparkle, and wherever it lands, it's noticeable. It's expensive, it's hard to find, and it's worth so much more than a stone. Keep that in mind.

Thanks for you time, lovely readers ♥

Sincerely, me.


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