Kitty call.

You see, I just don't know how people have the heart to ignore animals which needs help. Their response is to ignore. Last Monday during assembly, there was this cat, meowing so loud around my line. The cat kept meowing. So loud...! Everyone couldn't be bothered... One girl from my form, gave bread to the cat, and the cat took it but didn't eat it... I was like... Good try girl.. Not sure whether she really cares for the cat or just want the cat to shut up.

Anyway, I realised I brought a few large fishballs to eat during recess. So after singing the national anthem, I quickly opened my tupperware and cut a fishball half using my fingers. Everyone was preparing to sit down, I quickly rushed to the side and gave the cat half of the fishball. The cat ate it all.. The prefects were looking at me. Then I sat at my place... Few minutes later, the cat was making noise again. A prefect carried it away. But... It followed him back... and I was smiling there, so was everyone who witnessed it... The cat was rubbing against one of the prefect's leg. Haha. Some laughed because the prefect was moving around because he wasn't comfortable with the cat rubbing on his leg. Anyway, the cat continued to meow. I decided to give the other half. I passed it to my school mates sitting next to me. And the cat ate it... I'm satisfied :)


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