I miss my old buddies

It has been 4 years now since we last met. Sometimes I missed them so badly I want to see them right away. Sometimes I don't even bother and just forget about them. It's okay to forget them but please do not forget God.

There is never a time where everyone get to gather at one place. Excuses is the one reason that is keeping us all away. If only everyone can just spend a little time with their old friends, then It can bring back happiness and love and care back!

I really want to hug them. 4 years is sooo long. Would a hug cause anything? Maybe it might be totally weird because we were not close last time. But let's just pretend we were once that closed and so we hugged to show how much we missed each other!

You can't just push someone away. That is just rude! You must returned a hug. Those who are less important or just the ones who had disappeared .and never to be found can be excused. But I am looking forward to meet some of my old primary school friends.

Their faces will be so grown up and so matured but still have the same look that I will recognized. Haha. I am pretty sure anyone who sees different faces will be stunned for a moment and then only begin to Hai!!!! LOL! That is so expected and I can imagined it all! I just hope I can meet them again!


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