Egg yoke

I would consider not wanting to eat eggs. I mean, If I have a choice, I won't eat it. There's no thinking twice. From now onwards, I will be strict in my decision of not eating eggs by itself. Just look at that picture! Omg... The yolk! That's a live thing growing from that yolk omg.. I feel good cause I never eat egg yolk. I really cannot avoid from having pictures of animals being slaughtered and butchered in my mind whenever I see cooked animals on the plate. Like seriously, in my head, the gravy is the blood. All the pain and suffering, I just cannot imagine myself in their position. Who would care for me? Nobody.

So I was reading the newspaper, about fight or flight, when there is a zombie apocalypse. If, in the future, we have to face zombies, for real. I don't know. But this things could happen. No one knows. So, humans eat humans. What are we gonna do? This will be the end of humanity, when humans starts eating humans. This day will come and I'll be gone by then. Haha.


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