Making brave attempts

Today, there was a talk at school about leadership. I was selected to join. I was quite happy cause I can skip some subjects in class. Moral, English, Sejarah and BM. I was aiming to skip these subjects. Hehe. I sat at the end. Students from the afternoon session were there. There are lots of them. Young ones are always active :) It was fun. But I'm still sticking with my plan. Which is to abscond right when there's a chance. See that's why the title today is 'making brave attempts'. I start to create problems. It's because this is my last year. Hehe. I am making braver attempts. I take risks. I go against some things. I'm doing it like never before. I am being good and bad at the same time. But I won't go too far. I feel like a student; a student that once in a while breaks the school law. LOL.


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